The Best Bars in LA For Watching the Super Bowl
With the Super Bowl just one week away, you’ve got to pick where you’re going to view it. Picking a spot to watch America’s greatest sporting event isn’t as easy as you might think. With an event as long and infrequent as the Super Bowl, you want to make sure you make the right choice. Pick the place with the uncomfortable stools, and you’ll be regretting your choice by halftime. Pick the place with the fanciest beer, and you’ll be broke before the coin toss. Take a look at some of our suggestions and find the best viewing spot for you and your crew. From there, you’ll just have to hope that your team takes it the rest of the way.
The Oinkster. We’re gonna start this list by mixing it up a little bit. The Oinkster isn’t a sports bar, but Razorgator likes it anyway. But when it comes to great eats and drinks, you can’t do much better. And they’ll let you watch football, so what more could you ask for? Lest you think this is pretentious and unconsiderable, listen to some selections from their menu: belgian fries, pulled pork sandwiches, more amazing beers than you can sample in a sitting. The Oinkster is at least one of the places where it’s at. Try it yourself, whydontcha?
T. Boyle’s Tavern. Perhaps more like what you’d expect from a list of places to watch the Super Bowl, T. Boyle’s is still a water hole to be reckoned with. Jammed between an old movie house and some mom n’ pop, Boyle’s is actually a huge bar with a committed patronage. Join up with a lot of your friends, plus a lot of interested strangers, and feel the excitement of the game. Pitchers and food are good and cheap, and you’ll have a blast all night long.
Blue Dog. Blue Dog’s a nice spot no matter how you look at things. You won’t find a place more committed to the viewing of sports, but you also won’t feel like the enemy if you don’t happen to support the home team. Smaller than the last place we mentioned, it’s cozy and friendly vibe is enough to get you back here even after the Super Bowl has run its course.
Biergarten. This German spot is actually in Koreatown, so you might actually get a bit of elbow room if you watch the Super Bowl here. This doesn’t mean that the drinks aren’t what you want, and the food as well. Now that you mention it, who does beer better than the Germans anyway? You don’t have to be at the Super Bowl to enjoy the Super Bowl, so why not go to a place like this where the eats and drinks are top notch, while the tv screens transport you to a place far far away.
The Super Bowl is serious business. So is watching it. Take the time to find the place where you’ll have the best possible time. It could mean the difference between having a good or great time.